ONCE AGAIN Online Fundraiser

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I just launched an online fundraiser on Indiegogo to help raise money for my film, ONCE AGAIN, which is a short documentary recalling the my own personal struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, told through live action footage, home movies, and animation. The goal is $5,500 in 90 days which is both daunting and very tangible.

Information is it’s own currency! Even if you can’t donate, please send my campaign to others. Beyond just raising money, I want those who need this film most (parents and children with OCD) to know it exists. If you can give even ten bucks, it will help advance my project. I recently presented a showcase of films at the IOCDF national conventions. Many parents agreed that they wish they simply knew a project like this existed.

If you don’t know, online fundraisers like Indiegogo are all about allowing anybody to raise money for any idea. The sites structure allows users to create a page for their funding campaign, set up an account with PayPal, make a list of “perks” for different levels of donation, then create a social media-based publicity effort. Users publicize the projects themselves through Facebook, Twitter and similar platforms. The site levies a 4% fee for successful campaigns, and 9% for campaigns that fail to reach their target amount. Unlike similar sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo disburses the funds immediately. According to the Wall Street Journal, 10% of Indiegogo projects raise their requested amount, while 40% of projects raise at least $500. Indiegogo is also used by already-funded projects to create publicity or find distributors.

Take a moment now to check it out on IndieGoGo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make ‘Once Again’ happen.


About John

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  • John Spottswood Moore is an animator, a filmmaker and a film enthusiast that has a BA from University of North Carolina in Creative Writing & Film Studies and a MFA from the University of Texas at Austin in Film & Animation Production.

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